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Introduction To Parallel ComputingParallel Computing

Computers have capabilities of executing instructions simultaneously.What are the basic behind it?

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Embedded KeycloakSpring Boot

You can always run keycloak on separate server. But some projects are small and you do not need to share the instance.Just run keycloak along Spring boot app.

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Android app securityAndroid

Most of the applications contains sensitive user details. How can we keep them safe? AndroidX have some tips and ticks that you can use to improve.

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Spring Data JDBC with PostgresqlSpring Boot

Access relational database with opinionated ORM. Focus on Domain Driven Design with simple and limited features. Let's setup PostgreSQL database and Spring HATEAOS.

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Test Driven Development (TDD)Android

With the release of Hilt dependency inject we will try to implement an architecture for Android applications withc is more testable.

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State management with NGXSAngular

Very simple state management for Angular. Yes there is Ngrx but Ngxs seems easy and simple.There are plugins to help with things like storage,dev tolls and more